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Transition Advising


CNAS Transition Advising

The mission of the CNAS Transition Advising Program is to provide specialized high-touch academic advising and programming to UCR students who are transitioning out of CNAS due to lack of progress towards a CNAS degree, or realizing a potential for better major fit outside of their current college.  The Transition Advisor, along with Transition Peer Mentors and academic advisor liaisons from other UCR colleges, will guide, motivate, and provide academic resources to all CNAS transition students in an effort to encourage them to “Choose To Succeed.”

What is Transition Advising?

As a CNAS student, you may find yourself in a situation where a CNAS major no longer fits your academic plan, either by choice or due to academic challenges. Transition Advising is way to help you navigate the process of switching majors into CHASS. 

If you have decided that a science major is not for you, or if you are Undeclared and will not meet any CNAS Change of Major criteria by the time you reach 75 units, you may benefit from meeting with the Transition Advisor, who will assist you in creating a transition plan to move forward outside of CNAS.

What to Expect During Transition Meetings
  • Your initial transition meeting will be most effective as a scheduled appointment. During your initial transition meeting, there is a lot to cover, so drop-in sessions are only recommended for follow-up meetings. To schedule an appointment with a Transition Advisor, please see "Schedule a Transition Advising Meeting" section below.
  • During the initial meeting, the Transition Advisor will discuss with you the details of your current situation and help you develop a Transition Plan, which will include your options for continued academic success, an outline of appropriate next steps, major and career exploration, petition instructions (if applicable), etc.
  • If needed, the Transition Advisor will advise to schedule follow- up appointment.
  • At the end of the meeting or shortly after, you might be given a Transition Plan to keep for your reference, depending on the complexity of your transition.
  • Once you make a successful transition into a new academic career, you will be prompted to complete a brief post-transition advising survey.

Additional Transition Advising Information

  • CNAS to CHASS Transition Workshops

    The CNAS Transition Advisor and the CNAS Transition Liaison from the CHASS Student Affairs Office hold quarterly workshops that allow CNAS students who are interested in CHASS to see what majors CHASS has to offer.  

    CNAS to CHASS Transition Workshop Schedule - TBA
    For assistance please contact liliana.aguila@ucr.edu
  • CNAS to BCOE Transition Process

    Students pursuing majors in BCOE must be eligible to declare a BCOE major within their first year of residency.  For most students, this means the end of their Spring quarter of Freshmen year. 

    Students who place into MATH003 or MATH 6A should hold off on meeting with the Transition Advisor until successful completion of MATH 6B with a C- grade or higher.

    Students must pass all BCOE major change course requirements on their first attempt.  Students who do not pass on the first attempt will no longer be eligible to pursue a major in BCOE and must declare a CNAS major.  Grades below a C- are not permitted for major change criteria.

    Students are required to meet quarterly with the CNAS Transition Liaison to monitor progress towards BCOE majors.   A CNAS to BCOE transition student must meet with the Undeclared/College Advisor assigned to their alpha-split, as noted below:

  • Schedule a Transition Advising Meeting
    • Click on “Search" 

    • Choose “Academic Advising” in the drop-down list

    • For "Consultant," choose the appropriate advisor:


    • Select the date range of your desired appointment and click “Search”

    • Green time slots are available appointment times that you may click on as your transition advising meeting time

    • When selecting a “Reason” for your appointment, please choose “Transition Advising”

    • Include the phone number that you would like the advisor to reach you at in case of rescheduling.

    • In the Notes section, please explain what you would like to focus on in your appointment.

    • Click Save.  You will receive an email confirmation as a reminder of your appointment.

    • Please be on time.  After 10 minutes into the appointment, you will be considered a No-Show and will need to reschedule.  If you know you will be late or absent, please call the front desk (951) 827-7294.

  • Transition Resources
  • Contact Us
    Advisor Availability: MyAdvising.ucr.edu/

    Transition Students:

CNAS Transition Peer Advisors

Meet the CNAS Transition Peer Advisors who are available to assist students transitioning to a different college.  Click on the student's photo to read more about their experience transitioning to their current majors.  And click on their names on the flyer to join their Zoom drop-in hours.


 Yuridia's Zoom LinkJasmine's Zoom Link

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