CMDB Banner

Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology



CMDB overview
CMDB was established in 1999 based on the belief that an interdisciplinary approach was becoming increasingly critical for training biological researchers. Since then, modern biology has developed into an even more synthetic and multi-faceted discipline. Today’s biologists now need to perform experiments and integrate research findings at multiple levels of biological organization, ranging from individual molecules to whole organisms.  To provide the necessary breath for this type of interdisciplinary training, CMDB is organized as an interdepartmental program that brings together scientists from across UCR.  Each year we recruit a select group of students who share this vision, maintaining an overall size of between 30-40 students in the Program.  CMDB is committed to preparing our students for exciting research-oriented careers in basic and applied aspects of cell, molecular and developmental biology, and we are proud of the accomplishments our students have achieved once they have completed our Program.

CMDB Advising

Click on the drop-menus below for more information and documents related to the CMDB major.

CMDB Advisors

CNAS Professional Academic Advisors provide students with individual guidance throughout their academic careers at UCR and help them achieve realistic academic goals.  Professional Academic Advisors can assist you with declaring or changing your major or minor, course repeats, the process for taking courses outside of UCR, taking a leave from UCR, and questions about withdrawing or readmitting to UCR.

Nakita Lea
CMDB Advisor
Advising Caseload: A - L
Phone: 951-827-4229
Mark Taylor
CMDB Advisor
Advising Caseload: M - Z
Phone: 951-827-2488

CMDB Lead Faculty Advisor

A Lead Faculty Advisor is assigned for each major.  Faculty advisors are available to assist students with guidance regarding graduate or professional school, opportunities to participate in research, independent study, or internships.  Faculty advisors also may provide students with advice and mentoring regarding career goals.

Fedor Karginov
Dr. Fedor "Ted" Karginov
CMDB Lead Faculty Advisor
Phone: 951-827-3604
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