By reviewing the information below, you can make sure that your registration goes smoothly each quarter.
Registration begins at your initial enrollment appointment time/time ticket *. You can visit the academic calendar to find out when enrollment appointments will be viewable on R’Web and when the Schedule of Classes will be available. You may register during initial and makeup enrollment. During initial enrollment, undergraduate students who are in good academic standing may register for a maximum of 17 units - students who are not in good standing may only register for up to 15 units. During makeup enrollment, the maximum units students in good standing may register for is increased to 20 units. You can find all the registration phases on the academic calendar.
If you need special enrollment assistance like being able to enroll in only one portion of a CNAS course that you need to repeat (i.e., only repeating a lab but not the lecture of a course), please be sure to contact the CNAS Enrollment Management Center (EMC).
For more information and resources about registration please be sure to review the information below.
Registration Resources
Please visit or contact these resources for any registration issues or questions.
CNAS Enrollment Management Center
Submit an Enrollment Request Form for help with enrollment issues with prerequisites, repeating a course, or course restrictions for CNAS courses (i.e., math, biology, chemistry, physics, etc.). Click here for CNAS EMC staff contact information.
CHASS Enrollment Management
Submit an Enrollment Request Form for help with enrollment issues with prerequisites or course restrictions for CHASS courses (i.e., breadth: economics, philosophy, ethnic studies, etc.). Click here for CHASS EM staff contact information.
BCOE Enrollment Assistance
Submit an Enrollment Assistance Form for help with enrollment issues with prerequisites or course restrictions for BCOE courses (i.e., computer science, bioengineering, etc.).
Submit an Enrollment Petition Form for help with enrollment issues with prerequisites for BUS courses (i.e., accounting, business, finance, etc.).
All About Waitlists
Some full courses offer a waitlist option during registration. If so, you will either see a message inviting you to add yourself to the waitlist or the course status will read, "FULL COURSE WAITLIST OPEN- This course is full. A waitlist with (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) students is available."
Waitlist Essentials
- Add Yourself to a Waitlist
- Remove Yourself From a Waitlist
- Wait-Listing Linked Courses
- How do I enroll in a class I wait-listed for and got into?
- What should I do if I missed my 24-hour deadline?
- Being on a waitlist does not guarantee eventual enrollment in a course.
- Waitlist units do not count toward your max number of units allowed.
- You will receive an email when you are being offered a seat off the waitlist. You will have only 24 hours to enroll in the course. If you do not enroll within the 24 hour timeframe you will be dropped from the waitlist and the seat will be automatically offered to the next student on the waitlist.
- Only waitlist yourself in one activity for linked courses. If a waitlist is available, it will either be on the lecture or on the smallest section of the linked course(s) only. For example, in a lecture/discussion pair, the waitlist will only be on the discussion since it is the smallest section. When you receive your space off the waitlist for the discussion, there should be an available seat in the lecture for you as well. You must register for all linked courses when you are registering for a class after having been on the waitlist.
Error | What to Do |
PREREQ MISSING | Read the course requirements to see if you’re missing any of them; if you believe you have an equivalent requirement that is not listed, please email your advisor or fill out an Enrollment Request Form (the form could take a few business days to process). |
COREQUISITE MISSING | Check if the course has a linked section by selecting “View Linked” next to the section that you want or by reading the course description to see if you need to enroll in something else concurrently (at the same time), like a lab for example. If you passed one component and only need the other one (lab for example), please fill out an Enrollment Request Form. |
COURSE IS FULL | Select another section or waitlist for the smallest component (usually a discussion or lab); some courses have reserved seats or are cross-linked with other courses. For example, MCBL121 is cross-listed with BIOL121, so if you add the enrollments from both courses it will add up to the total because they are the same class, just separate for enrollment. |
MAXIMUM ATTEMPTS | If you are repeating a course for the first time, you will need to wait until the second pass of registration. If you need to take a course for the third time, please contact your advisor. |
Don’t see an “Add” button next to a course in the Schedule of Classes | You most likely already have it in your registration summary on the bottom right (it includes all dropped courses). You can just change the drop-down next to the dropped course to “Add.” |
MAXIMUM UNITS | If you are not in Good Academic Standing, you are limited to 15 units; all students are also limited to 17 units during first pass (you need to wait until second pass to go up to 20 units). |
COURSE IS RESERVED | Please look for another section that is not reserved. Note: PSYC001 and 2 and intro CS, ECON, and SOC courses tend to be reserved and open up to all students during second pass. |
Academic Calendar
To find information about important registration dates and deadlines please visit for information about when the schedule of classes will be available, first day of registration, etc.
Breadth Requirements & Options for CNAS
Not sure about which breadth courses to take? Please review the CNAS Breadth sheet below for information about the different courses you may take to satisfy your breadth requirements. You can also view the specific breadth courses being offered by CHASS in the upcoming term from the link below.
AP & IB Credit
If you have any questions how your AP credit applies to your degree, please review the AP & IB articulations as noted on the UCR Catalog.
Pre-Professional Advising Center (PPAC)
Please visit the PPAC website for question about professional school (i.e., medical, dental, PA school, etc.) requirements as related to your registration.
PRE-ProfessionAL Advising Center (PPAC)
On the PPAC website you will also find more information on:
- PPAC Staff/Ambassadors
- Workshops/Events
- Health Careers
- Co-Curricular Involvement
- Preparing to Apply
- Other Resources
Before scheduling an appointment with a health professions advisor, you must attend a one-time, one-hour HPAC Introduction to Health Professions Workshop.
UCR Career Center
Please visit the UCR Career Center website for career guidance as it relates to your major and academic plans. You can also find specific information about career options for your major or interests on the link below.
Registering for Classes
Other Important Things to Note
- You may add/drop/change/wait-list for classes via R’Web through completion of the drop/add period (by the end of week 2 of the quarter). After that, you will need to process any enrollment changes through an enrollment adjustment form.
- Class codes: (M) Mon, (T) Tues, (W) Weds, (R) Thurs, (F) Fri , (S) Sat.
- If a class has a linked section like a lab or discussion, be sure to enroll in it when you enroll in the lecture.
- You will be disconnected after 10 minutes of inactivity.
- Plan ahead for alternate courses.
- If you are physically unable to use R’Web, contact Student Disability Resource Center.
- Protect your NetID and password and log out before leaving your computer!
How to Register for Classes
Step 1: Log in to R'Web
Log in to R’Web with your NetID and password.
Need a NetID or forget your NetID/password? When you go to R’Web, select Password Reset. You will answer several security questions and then you will be provided with your NetID and password.If you have forgotten your student ID, you will need to contact the Office of the Registrar at (951) 827-7284.
Step 2: Resolve Your Holds
If you have outstanding holds, an information box will appear when you first log in to R’Web letting you know right away. This information includes how to resolve your hold. The department initiating the hold must lift it before you can register for classes. You can also go to the “Holds” icon or the Student Profile in R’Web to see all your current holds. Some holds are informational only and will not prevent you from registering.
Step 3: Registration
Once you have selected the “Registration” icon via R’Web, you can select “Prepare for Registration” to determine if your registration status, time ticketing and other requirements are met to allow you to register.
If you are ready to register and your time ticketing time has arrived, select “Register for Classes” and select the appropriate term.
If you have a term plan, you will see it by selecting the Plan tab within Registration. Enroll for your classes from that plan. If you were not required to have a term plan approved, you will be able to see your four-year course plan or a term plan you personally created. Use those plans as easy guides to register for classes and stay on track for graduation.
Step 4: Add, Drop, or Wait-list for Classes
Add a Class
Use the Find Classes, Enter CRNS, Plans or Blocks tabs to find courses to add to your Summary.
Once you find a course and select ADD, it will show the course in your Summary with a status of “Pending.” To process the request, press SUBMIT.
If a linked discussion or lab section is required, please ensure all linked sections are in your Summary before you click SUBMIT. If there is room in the class, and you meet all requirements, the course status will now read “Registered.”
If the course you have selected is a variable unit course, it will show as only 1 unit when you first submit your enrollment. After you are successfully enrolled in the course, you can use the “Schedule and Options” tab to adjust your variable units accordingly. When it is a variable unit course, the unit amount is a hyperlink. Click on the number and a box will open for you to adjust the units. Once you are done, click SUBMIT at the bottom right to save your change. See detailed instructions here.
Drop a Class
Find the course you want to drop in your Summary area of registration. Select "Drop" from the action dropdown menu. Remember to also drop any linked lab or discussion sections. Select "Submit." The course status should now read "Dropped." You are allowed to drop classes through Friday of the second week of instruction using these steps. After that, it's called "withdrawing" from a class and requires extra steps. See Enrollment Adjustments for details.
Add or Remove Yourself From a Waitlist
Please see Waitlist Information.
Step 5: Review Your Classes and Exit Securly
Select "Schedule and Options" to view your final class schedule. If you would like to print or email your schedule, you can use the icons at the top right. See more details.
If everything looks all right, exit R'Web, clear your cache (if you are on a public computer) and quit your Web browser.