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Environmental Sciences



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Environmental Sciences encompasses a wide range of disciplines merged together to understand the natural environment. The field includes interactions among the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of the world and human institutions. The Environmental Sciences program is designed to prepare individuals for careers in business, industry, or government; or to pursue graduate studies in environmentally-related science, law, public health, or business.

The Department of Environmental Sciences offers B.A. and B.S. degrees in Environmental Sciences. All students majoring in Environmental Sciences must complete a set of “core requirements”, 8 units of lower-division elective courses, and 20 units of upper-division elective courses. Students are encouraged to concentrate their studies in one of five specialization areas: Soil SciencesHydrologic SciencesAtmospheric SciencesEnvironmental Toxicology, and Environmental Management.

Visit the Environmental Sciences Department website

Environmental Sciences Advising

Click on the drop-menus below for more information and documents related to the Environmental Sciences major.

  • Change of Major Criteria for Environmental Sciences
    Student must be in good academic standing (quarter and cumulative GPAs at 2.0 and above) to declare a major.  If upper-division courses have been taken, a minimum upper-division GPA of a 2.0 is required.  Must be able to complete the degree within 216 units.  AP/IB units or transfer units earned prior to graduating high school are excluded when determining unit range for change of major criteria and 216 unit maximum. 

    Freshman (up to 44.9 units)

    Sophomore (45 - 89.9  units)

    Junior (90 - 134.9 units)

    Senior (135 units & above)

    Completion of...

    • ENSC 001 OR ENSC 002
    • MATH 007B/009B

    Completion of...

    • ENSC 001 OR ENSC 002 (preferred)
    • MATH 007B/009B
    • CHEM 001A/01LA

    Completion of...

    • Any 1 of the following: ENSC100,101, or 102
    • MATH 007B/009B
    • BIOL005A/05LA 

    Completion of...

    • Any 2 of the following: ENSC 100,101, or 102
    • MATH 7B
    • BIOL005A/05LA
  • Additional Information About the Environmental Sciences Major
  • Course Planning Materials for Environmental Sciences
    Environmental Sciences Degree Summary Sheets

    Degree Summary Sheets do not replace the UCR catalog. Consult with advisor for inquiries regarding major requirements. 


    Environmental Sciences Sample Four-Year Plans

    Sample Plans do not replace the UCR catalog. Consult with advisor for a personalized plan based on individual record. 


    Environmental Sciences Schedule of Course Offerings
  • Minor in Environmental Sciences
    To declare a minor, students must: be in good academic standing (quarter and cumulative GPAs at 2.0 and above); complete 2 upper-division courses required for the minor with a C or better; complete both major and minor within 216 unit maximum; declare minor no later than 2 quarters prior to expected graduation term. *AP/IB units or transfer units earned prior to graduating high school are excluded when determining 216 unit maximum. A minimum of 16 upper-division units must be unique to the minor; additional upper-division units beyond those unique 16 may also be used toward major requirements if applicable.

    Minor requirements

    The minor in Environmental Sciences consists of the following:

    1. Lower-division requirements (23 or 24 units)
      • ENSC 002
      • CHEM 001A and CHEM 01LA, CHEM001B and CHEM 01LB, CHEM 001C and CHEM 01LC
      • One course from ENSC 006, ECON 006, PBPL 001, ECON 003, or POSC 020
    2. Upper-division requirements (20 units)
      • ENSC 100, ENSC 101, ENSC 102
      • Eight (8) units of additional upper-division courses in Environmental Sciences, no more than 4 units of which are in courses numbered 190-198

    Of the specified upper-division units, a minimum of 16 units must be unique to the minor and may not be used to satisfy major requirements.


Environmental Sciences Academic Advisors

CNAS Professional Academic Advisors provide students with individual guidance throughout their academic careers at UCR and help them achieve realistic academic goals.  Professional Academic Advisors can assist you with declaring or changing your major or minor, course repeats, the process for taking courses outside of UCR, taking a leave from UCR, and questions about withdrawing or readmitting to UCR.

Berru, P
Pete Berru
Environmental Sciences Advisor
Advising Caseload: A - Z
Phone: 951-827-2807
Availability: MyAdvising.ucr.edu

Environmental Sciences Lead Faculty Advisor

A Lead Faculty Advisor is assigned for each major.  Faculty advisors are available to assist students with guidance regarding graduate or professional school, opportunities to participate in research, independent study, or internships.  Faculty advisors also may provide students with advice and mentoring regarding career goals.

Dr. Ying-Hsuan Lin
Environmental Sciences Lead Faculty Advisor
Phone: 951-827-3785
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