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Missions & Goals


CNAS Advising

The CNAS Undergraduate Academic Advising Center opened its doors in November 2007 to centralize all undergraduate academic advising for students majoring in the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences.  Below are the center’s mission, values, and goals that were created during the first all staff retreat in September 2008.

Advising Mission

The CNAS Undergraduate Academic Advising Center empowers students to develop and achieve their academic goals through an individualized, student-centered approach to academic advising, student success programming, engagement opportunities, and campus resource connections.



We are guided in our efforts by these values:

  • Accountability
  • Empathy
  • Empowerment
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Respect


The CNAS UAAC goals were adopted and modified from goals created by the Center for Advancement in Standards in Higher Education ( for Academic Advising Centers which can be found HERE:

1. Promote student growth and development

2. Assist students in assessing their interests and abilities, examining their educational goals, making decisions and developing short-term and long-term plans to meet their objectives

3. Discuss and clarify educational, career, and life goals

4. Provide accurate and timely information and interpret institutional, general education, and major requirements.

5. Assist students to understand the educational context within which they are enrolled

6. Advise on the selection of appropriate courses and other educational experiences

7. Clarify institutional policies and procedures

8. Evaluate and monitor student academic progress and the impact on achievement of goals

9. Reinforce student self-direction and self-sufficiency

10. Direct students with educational, career or personal concerns, or skill/learning deficiencies to other resources and programs on the campus when necessary.

11. Make students aware of and refer to educational, institutional, and community resources and services (e.g., internship, study abroad, honors, service- learning, research opportunities)

12. Collect and distribute relevant data about student needs, preferences, and performance for use in CNAS undergraduate decisions and policy


The quality of our services is assessed in the following ways:

  • AdvisorTrac Surveys are a collection of six, quick questions which are e-mailed to all students after each CNAS UAAC visit.   The survey responses are collected and reviewed daily by the director and used to give our staff immediate and typically positive feedback on their services.  Survey responses are also used to identify and fix any gaps or challenges in services, if they occur
  • Advisor Self-Assessments are comprehensive surveys filled out by each advisor annually.  These results are reviewed by the advisor’s supervisor to ensure quality and consistency in advising information and information delivery techniques
  • Advisor Observations are completed by supervisors on an annual basis.  Supervisors use a similar document to the Advisor Self-Assessment above to foster a dialog between the advisor and the supervisor to ensure quality and consistency in advising information, information delivery techniques, and to identify and fill any training gaps
  •  iEval Advising Surveys are the comprehensive advising survey tool distributed to our entire student population each spring via the campus iEval system.  Response rates range from 15-50% annually.  This survey centers on determining how well our student population views our ability to meet the advising goals above.  Detailed survey data on each advisor is given to the appropriate supervisor and results are reviewed with the advisor.  Results are used to validate advisor effectiveness and to identify training gaps so they can be addressed.  Results are also used to identify and facilitate suitable peer-to-peer advisor partnerships to improve services.  Summarized data from the iEval survey is published in our annual report each Fall
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