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Chemistry, the study of matter and its changes, is typically divided into analytical, environmental, inorganic, materials, organic, and physical. The Department of Chemistry offers a B.S. degree in Chemistry. In addition to the standard B.S. degree, students can choose options in Chemical Physics and in Environmental Chemistry. Students following these curricula meet the requirements for certification by the American Chemical Society. The department also offers a B.A. degree, with less emphasis on Chemistry courses and reduced Physics and Math requirements. Students have increased ease in meeting requirements for such areas as premedical, predental, or prepharmaceutical science; education; and administration.

Chem vials

The Department of Chemistry offers students excellent preparation for a career in chemistry and related fields. The chemistry major provides a strong background for preprofessional students aiming for graduate, medical, or allied health professional schools after graduation.

A Chemistry degree prepares students for graduate work in chemistry and related fields, and provides an appropriate background for medical, dental, or pharmacy school. B.S.-level chemists find employment in a wide range of companies, from the petrochemical to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Flavor and fragrance chemists work in companies that make food, beverages, and consumer products. Chemists working in materials science contribute to the development of new functional materials, including nanomaterials. Many chemists work in the public sector, focused on air and water quality, forensics, and drug analysis. Chemists also find employment outside the laboratory in areas such as chemical sales, science writing, teaching, and patent law.

Many Chemistry majors are engaged in research, some as early as their freshman year. These students work side by side with faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students on exciting projects at the cutting edge of modern chemistry. UCR’s Undergraduate Chemistry Club meets regularly for social activities, field trips, networking, and outreach.

Visit the Chemistry Department website

Chemistry Advising

Click on the drop-menus below for more information and documents related to the Chemistry major.

  • Change of Major Criteria for Chemistry
    CHEM B.A. Change of Major Table
    Students must be in Good Academic Standing at the time the Change of Major Petition is filed. 2.0 quarter, cumulative, and upper-division GPA Grades of C- or better in attempted major requirements Degree program must be completed within 216 earned units. Students must be in Good Academic Standing at the time the Change of Major Petition is filed. 2.0 quarter, cumulative, and upper-division GPA Grades of C- or better in attempted major requirements Degree program must be completed within 216 earned units.

    Freshman (up to 44.9 units)

    Sophomore (45 - 89.9  units)

    Junior (90 - 134.9 units)

    Senior (135 units & above)

    Completion of the following courses, with a grade of C– or better

    • CHEM001A / CHEM 002A
    • CHEM01LA / CHEM02LA
    • MATH009A

    Completion of all previously listed criteria and the following courses with a grade of C- or better

    • CHEM001B / CHEM002B
    • CHEM01LB / CHEM02LB
    • CHEM001C / CHEM002C
    • CHEM01LC / CHEM02LC
    • MATH009B
    • MATH009C
    • PHYS040A or PHYS002A & PHYS02LA

    Completion of all previously listed criteria and the following courses with a grade of C- or better

    • CHEM005
    • CHEM008A
    • CHEM 08LA
    • CHEM 008B
    • CHEM 08LB
    • CHEM 008C
    • CHEM 08LC
    • MATH010A
    • PHYS040B or PHYS002B & PHYS02LB
    • PHYS040C or PHYS002C & PHYS02LC

    Completion of all previously listed criteria and the following courses with a grade of C- or better

    • CHEM125
    • CHEM150A


    CHEM B.S. Change of Major Table
    Students must be in Good Academic Standing at the time the Change of Major Petition is filed. 2.0 quarter, cumulative, and upper-division GPA Grades of C- or better in attempted major requirements Degree program must be completed within 216 earned units. Students must be in Good Academic Standing at the time the Change of Major Petition is filed. 2.0 quarter, cumulative, and upper-division GPA Grades of C- or better in attempted major requirements Degree program must be completed within 216 earned units.

    Freshman (up to 44.9 units)

    Sophomore (45 - 89.9  units)

    Junior (90 - 134.9 units)

    Senior (135 units & above)

    Completion of the following courses, with a grade of C– or better

    • CHEM001A / CHEM 002A
    • CHEM01LA / CHEM02LA
    • MATH009A

    Completion of all previously listed criteria and the following courses with a grade of C- or better

    • CHEM001B / CHEM002B
    • CHEM01LB / CHEM02LB
    • CHEM001C / CHEM002C
    • CHEM01LC / CHEM02LC
    • MATH009B
    • MATH009C
    • PHYS040A 

    Completion of all previously listed criteria and the following courses with a grade of C- or better

    • CHEM005
    • CHEM008A
    • CHEM 08LA
    • CHEM 008B
    • CHEM 08LB
    • CHEM 008C
    • CHEM 08LC
    • MATH010A
    • PHYS040B 
    • PHYS040C 

    two courses chosen from:

    • MATH 010B
    • MATH 031
    • MATH 046

    Completion of all previously listed criteria and the following courses with a grade of C- or better

    • CHEM125
    • CHEM150A
  • Additional Information about the Chemistry Major
    Chemistry Additional Documents
  • Course Planning Materials for Chemistry
    Chemistry Degree Summary Sheets


    Chemistry Sample Four-Year Course Plans
    Chemistry Schedule of Course Offerings
  • Minor in Chemistry
    To declare a minor, students must: be in good academic standing (quarter and cumulative GPAs at 2.0 and above); complete 2 upper-division courses required for the minor with a C or better; and be able to complete both your major and minor within the 216 unit maximum.  *AP/IB units or transfer units earned prior to graduating high school are excluded when determining 216 unit maximum.   Minors must be declared no later than 2 quarters prior to a student's expected graduation term.   A minimum of 16 upper-division units must be unique to the minor; additional upper-division units beyond those unique 16 may also be used toward major requirements if applicable.

    Chemistry Minor requirements

    The minor in Chemistry consists of 21 upper-division units in chemistry.

    1. Of the specified upper-division units, a minimum of 16 units must be unique to the minor and may not be used to satisfy major requirements.
    2. At least one of the courses used to satisfy the 21 units must be in CHEM 125, CHEM 111, CHEM 140 CHEM 155 or CHEM 166 (courses which include laboratory work).
    3. No more than 8 units of 190-199 courses may be used in fulfilling the upper-division units for a minor.

    All of the upper-division courses in chemistry have a prerequisite of CHEM 001A, CHEM 001B, CHEM 001C, CHEM 01LA, CHEM 01LB, CHEM 01LC, or CHEM 01HA and CHEM 01HLA, CHEM 01HB and CHEM 01HLB, CHEM 01HC and CHEM 01LHC and most have CHEM 005 as a prerequisite.  

    Students with a minor in Chemistry should consult with the Chemistry major advisor to construct a specific program consistent with their goals.

Chemistry Academic Advisors

CNAS Professional Academic Advisors provide students with individual guidance throughout their academic careers at UCR and help them achieve realistic academic goals.  Professional Academic Advisors can assist you with declaring or changing your major or minor, course repeats, the process for taking courses outside of UCR, taking a leave from UCR, and questions about withdrawing or readmitting to UCR.

Andrea Martinez Rodriguez
TEMPORARY Chemistry Advisor
Advising Caseload: A - G
Phone: 951-827-4858
Kim Advisor Photo
Kim Serpas-McCallum
Chemistry Advisor
Advising Caseload: H - Z
Phone: 951-827-1766

Chemistry Lead Faculty Advisor

A Lead Faculty Advisor is assigned for each major.  Faculty advisors are available to assist students with guidance regarding graduate or professional school, opportunities to participate in research, independent study, or internships.  Faculty advisors also may provide students with advice and mentoring regarding career goals.

Dr. Ryan Julian
Chemistry Lead Faculty Advisor
Phone: 951-827-3958
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